Jim Miller:

“I started painting when I was studying engineering at university in Glasgow, it was a complete break from the course work and helped me relax. That was back in the early seventies. I’ve now been painting for over 50 years. Great Ayton in North Yorkshire is home and work was mostly on Teesside. I like to paint subjects that I find visually exciting such as power stations and chemical plants but also our countryside, coast, towns and cities in the beautiful North East of England”

For more of my work please visit my instagram @ Jim_Miller_Art

‘Beech Tree and Bluebells’


Original acrylic painting

Framed in light oak

65cm x 48cm overall size

Stringed and ready to hang

‘York Minster’


Original acrylic painting on box canvas

76cm x 60cm x 2.3cm

Stringed and ready to hang


Roger Luntz


Marion Miskimmin